Skills & Tools

From self-organisation and other techniques to labour law and language competence, knowledge management or intercultural awareness – during your professional growth, you never stop learning. We ensure that you have all the tools you need and that you can build on your repertoire of methods easily and efficiently. 

This is what we offer so that you can expand your methods and competence – for all employees. But we, too, never stop learning and compile our range of offers based on actual needs. If you think something is missing from the list, have additional or other desires for further training, please feel free to contact us. 

Speaking and presenting
Rhetorical persuasion and better presentations

Chairing meetings, Workshop design
More efficient meetings and more engaging workshops

Negotiating techniques
Faster contract closures and better results

Fundamentals of labour law (Switzerland)
Standard knowledge for human resources personnel

Finance live – company simulation
Financial planning under real conditions

Simulation change management
Grabbing chances and shaping change

Simulation of communication and conflict management
From conflict to constructive solution

Knowledge management
Networking knowledge and making it productive

Intercultural awareness
Understanding cultural differences and bridging these

Leading together – heading for networked leadership
Leading without directing – together at eye level

Authentic leadership
The power of the personality to persuade

english@ruag (EF language courses at all levels of ability)
Move freely within the lingua franca of the business world